Financial services | Eleven

Financial services

The financial services ecosystem is today complex, with a variety of specialized and generalist players, new or historical, ranging from data providers to customer services for banking, investment and insurance needs.

The ecosystem is facing major disruptions brought by technological evolutions, which are currently reshuffling value generation in the ecosystem, especially in a context of low rates:

  • Value chain fragmentation with innovative FinTech players disrupting high-margin segments with superior value proposition
  • Democratization of a high-quality individualized service, with startups delivering premium services historically only offered to high profile clients
  • Expansion of the competitive scope with new players like FinTech or GAFA players
  • Growing impact of regulation from EU and Basel Committee

These disruptions raise key questions for incumbent stakeholders in the financial services ecosystem:

  • How to leverage customers’ data to provide personalized offer ?
  • How to deal with customers’ data collection and security?
  • How to rethink my portfolio of services vs. FinTech players

Business cases

5-axis marketing | Eleven

5-axis marketing

Marketing campaign efficiency improvement for a leading banking player


Churn prevention | Eleven

Churn prevention

Customer retention improvement for a major telecommunication operator


Data-driven transformation | Eleven

Data-driven transformation

Definition and prioritization of data use cases for the finance department of a major player in the food industry 


Data quality improvement | Eleven

Data quality improvement

Data quality improvement for a global leader in the luxury industry


Data macro strategy | Eleven

Data macro strategy

Data strategy and project roadmap definition for a leading bank insurance player in France


Prediction of financial drifts | Eleven

Prediction of financial drifts

Prediction of financial drifts of business unites part of global energy leader


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