Transportation & mobility | Eleven

Transportation & mobility

As client expectations shift towards a shared and soft mobility, and while Public Transport Authorities (PTAs) adjust their own requirements to further integrate transportation means within integrated mobility networks, the Transportation & Mobility industry broaden to an extended range of mobility and service providers.

The increasing use of data-based technologies, contactless payment, mapping applications and, tomorrow, autonomous vehicles, call for a major step forward in traditional technological assets such as payment, ticketing, validator or Fleet Management System. Technology-enabled business models (multimodal applications, asset pooling services, asset sharing services, etc.) bring together mobility providers, creating space for integrated mobility platforms.

These new mobility pure players can take advantage of lower barriers to entry: reallocated subsidies from traditional to soft mobility, easier access to user data, etc.). In the future, open payment systems, built to use credit cards or smartphones as a single media to validate and pay either public transport or soft mobility, could further enable the development of new industry players.

Finally, beyond technological disruptions, integrating mobility providers within a single pricing strategy is a major challenge to provide competitive Mobility as a Service (MaaS) applications to the end users in a growingly connected urban environment.

Business cases

New urban mobility | Eleven

New urban mobility

Development of new shared mobility, soft mobility and ticketless mobility business models for a leading public transport company in France


Fuel consumption optimization | Eleven

Fuel consumption optimization

Design, roll-out and industrialisation of a digital platform optimizing fuel consumption through a "give-to-take" logic with customers


Railway predictive maintenance | Eleven

Railway predictive maintenance

Design of an optimized maintenance strategy for a railway concessionaire


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