Start Up Studio | Eleven

Start Up Studio

Accelerating and delivering digital and data innovation

Company management has traditionally had two levers of innovation available to seize the potential of digital technology: internal R&D innovation projects and the acquisition of companies or patents.

However, new market conditions are affecting the effectiveness of these solutions: technology start-ups innovating in our market are multiplying, benefiting from easier access to financing and the global market, while customer expectations are changing faster than our ability to deliver innovation. How, then, can we avoid being disrupted by a 100%-digital player when it is so difficult to develop breakthrough models from the inside?

We believe that it is possible to innovate quickly and effectively, even on core business issues while maintaining a continuous connection with your internal teams.

To accelerate and deliver digital and data innovation, eleven is here to help you speed up innovation projects, from ideation to delivery. Our “hands-on” approach enables us to quickly target and test the most relevant actionable data and digital opportunities in the field and then work with your teams to deliver them. Our technological and data expertise enables us to quickly find high value growth areas. Our Data Scientist consultants understand the heart of technical issues and can help you reach a concrete and rational acceleration of your innovation projects.

To pool your internal digital and data innovation capacities, eleven also helps you create your innovation acceleration programmes. The experience we acquired in creating the artificial intelligence and IoT programmes of two CAC 40 companies has allowed us to master all the aspects of these programmes: from selecting and accelerating high-potential projects to training internal teams and helping them take ownership of these innovation projects.

Business cases

Fuel consumption optimization | Eleven

Fuel consumption optimization

Design, roll-out and industrialisation of a digital platform optimizing fuel consumption through a "give-to-take" logic with customers


Start-up Factory | Eleven

Start-up Factory

Acceleration and industrialization of disruptive BtoB solutions for a major energy player as part of its internal Start-up Factory


Data-augmented building site monitoring | Eleven

Data-augmented building site monitoring

Building site monitoring improvement for a global constrction leader


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