Fast Moving Consumer Goods | Eleven

Fast Moving Consumer Goods

The FMCG industry in the broadest sense of the word is strongly impacted by digital and data, not only in marketing, but also in production and supply chain.

The use of data allows for example to better monitor the impact of marketing expenses, to understand sales drivers, customer behaviors, or to introduce recommendations for customers.

Direct to Consumer competes with and inspires traditional players who often develop a new channel to reach their customers directly.

Production is impacted by new possibilities (Industry 4.0) that allow to improve the efficiency of processes thanks to Data Science (understanding of quality and productivity drivers, predictive maintenance, extension of asset life, engineering and design assistance…)

The Supply Chain is not left out with supervision, collaboration, forecasting and optimization systems based on data and algorithms. New data-enriched operational models, such as CPFR, enabled by the Internet of Things, allow market players to move towards more collaborative and integrated supply chains and to reduce their costs (reduction of stock-outs and delivery times) while improving their services.

At the same time, the digitalization of the sector is leading to the creation of third-party platforms, creating opportunities and risks of intermediation. These platforms can notably bypass the historical positions of the sector’s players or create distribution channel conflicts, for example.

Finally, CSR is taking place at all levels, with digital and data being key to measuring and optimizing resource consumption, GHG emissions and other pollutants, and reducing waste.

Business cases

Benchmark of competitors’ prices | Eleven

Benchmark of competitors’ prices

Analysis of the discount levels displayed by the main competitors of the European leader in motorcycle equipment on the most visited e-commerce websites in France


Marketing strategy and offer | Eleven

Marketing strategy and offer

Analysis of the member and customer base of the European leader in online sales of sporting goods


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