Energy & Utilities | Eleven

Energy & Utilities

The Energy & Utilities industry comprises all the stakeholders involved in the generation and management of various energy resources from coal to oil, gas, nuclear, renewables and water.

Regardless of the industry sub-segment, the historical Energy & Utilities ecosystem is structured around key functions including production, processing, storage, transport and supply. New entrants (e.g. RenTechs, service providers) are shaking established operating models.

A set of technological innovations are radically reshuffling the Energy & Utilities value chain by creating new business opportunities.

For example, smart grids and new power storage solutions are driving the energy value chain downstream, from centralized production to downstream local micro-stations. The trend for smaller and local generation plants will increase driven by the emergence of prosumers, storing or reselling their positive energy directly to each other or to the national network.

New data-augmented operational models such as CPFR, based on IoT-leveraged solutions, enable market players to move towards more collaborative and integrated supply chains to reduce their costs (reduced stock shortage, shorter delivery times) and better serve their clients.

Mastering data from different sources allows industry actors to switch from a product offering to a service offering, for their clients, enabling new business model to appear (based on performance, Pay-as-you-Use, etc.)

Business cases

New urban mobility | Eleven

New urban mobility

Development of new shared mobility, soft mobility and ticketless mobility business models for a leading public transport company in France


Data use cases prioritization | Eleven

Data use cases prioritization

Prioritization and acceleration of high added value data use cases for a leading energy supplier in France


Churn prevention | Eleven

Churn prevention

Customer retention improvement for a major telecommunication operator


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