Sustainability strategy | Eleven

Sustainability strategy

In view of the severe effects of climate change and the increasing pressure for sustainable corporate behaviors, sustainability has become a major strategy challenge for corporates in every sector, as shown by the multiplication of companies stepping up with constraining net-zero commitments.

Considering the stakes at both ecological and corporate levels, the logic of adaptation and optimization that has prevailed until now must now give way to a logic of innovation and to the construction of new ways of producing to meet the challenges of the ecological transition. Companies are now pushed to transform their operating models and redesign their offers at multiple levels, like they had to with their digital transformation. Taking a leadership on a sustainable transformation can indeed be a key differentiator towards the different company’s stakeholders : clients, shareholders, employees, partners, suppliers, and more broadly society.

Leveraging its strategy expertise combined with its data and IoT skills, its network of specialized partners and its entrepreneurial mindset, eleven positions as the preferential partner of business leaders for low-carbon and circular strategies definition, green business model building, sustainable asset management and resource consumption optimization.

We help executives map the sustainability challenges & opportunities along their value chain, and create action plans to both reduce their own footprint as well as their partners’ and clients’ so as to ensure their future competitiveness in a low-carbon world.

Eleven strategy also accompanies leading Private Equity funds in their CSR due diligence assignments, potentially alongside traditional strategy, digital or data due diligence assignments, to help them perform positive impact, game-changing investment.

Sustainability strategy | Eleven

Low carbon strategy

Identify and prioritize environmental stakes and potential impact areas to build your company’s low-carbon strategy


Sustainability strategy | Eleven

Optimization of operations’ performance

Implement optimization models towards smart and frugal operations, for internal operations and/or for clients


Sustainability strategy | Eleven

Building natively sustainable offers

Implement natively sustainable new offers conciliating economic and environmental performance, to assist third-parties in the reduction of their emissions


Sustainability strategy | Eleven

Sustainability due diligence

Get insights about the Sustainability performance of a potential acquisition target and identify key levers for improvement prior to your investment


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