AI Program Transformation | Eleven

AI Program Transformation

Digital innovation acceleration for a global construction leader

Our client, a global construction and concession leader, asked eleven to help him launch an innovation and training program to accelerate the group and entities’ digital transformation around artificial intelligence.

eleven supports the client through the identification and selection of around ten A.I. projects per year based on their ROI and technical feasibility. Projects are conducted together with internal teams who benefit from regular trainings on data science, development and data and A.I. use cases deployement (coding, machine learning, DevOps…)

Client’s teams are project owners right from the start, which guarantees them a good level of autonomy to continue the project once the incubation period is over.


data and A.I. projects coached from their inception to their deployment



new business units/start-ups launched inside the group



employees trained on innovative project management around A.I.



training modules delivered

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